Uday Kiran who rose to fame with director Teja’s ‘Chitram’ and Swetha Basu Prasad who won every body’s heart in ‘Kotta Bangau Lokam’ have come together in this much delayed release ‘Nuvvekkadunte Nenakkadunta’. Produced on Sri Venkateswara Swami Film’s banner, this movie is directed by Subha Selvam, let’s see how it fares.
Hari(Uday Kiran) is all set to get engaged to his uncle’s daughter Nilambari(Arti). Nilambari doesn’t want to marry Hari as he is jobless. In order to help his future son-in law, Nilambari’s father brings Hari to the city and gets him a job in a finance company.
Its love at first sight for Hari after he sees Harita(Shweta basu), who is an orphan and lives in the same neighborhood. Bhadra(Ajith Kumar) who is the dreaded bad guy of the area also loves Harita. In order to avoid Bhadra, Harita gets closer to Hari.
On the other hand, Hari has a unique habit of getting weird dreams, and whatever he sees in his dreams keeps happening in the future. In one particular dream, Hari sees Harita facing huge trouble with Bhadra. In order to save her life he brings her to his village. Does his family accept Harita? Whether his dreams come true? Whether Bhadra finds Harita? forms the rest of the story.
Its love at first sight for Hari after he sees Harita(Shweta basu), who is an orphan and lives in the same neighborhood. Bhadra(Ajith Kumar) who is the dreaded bad guy of the area also loves Harita. In order to avoid Bhadra, Harita gets closer to Hari.
On the other hand, Hari has a unique habit of getting weird dreams, and whatever he sees in his dreams keeps happening in the future. In one particular dream, Hari sees Harita facing huge trouble with Bhadra. In order to save her life he brings her to his village. Does his family accept Harita? Whether his dreams come true? Whether Bhadra finds Harita? forms the rest of the story.
Uday Kiran is decent in the role of Hari, so is Shwetha Basu. First 30 minutes of the post interval part is really interesting. Scenes where Uday Kiran introduces Shweta to his family are good. Comedy by Ashish Vidhyarthi in the second half is decent. Two songs rendered by Pradeep Koneru are ok.
Though having an interesting concept, director Selvam has failed miserably in executing it on the screen. None of the scenes are watchable. The presentation of Uday Kiran’s dreams are really bad. Irrelevant comedy tracks keep coming and going, as if you are watching a B Grade movie. Even the villain Bhadra, was not convincing enough as the bad guy. Rest of the cast didn’t have much to do and disappointed highly. There is absolutely no chemistry between the lead pair.
Dialogues by Janardhan Maharshi are very ordinary. Cinematography is very bad and doesn’t captivate you at all. Editing is weak. Music of the film is very ordinary as none of the tunes are hummable, and other technical departments in the movie are so bad that, there is no need of even mentioning them.
The movie was being postponed from a long time, and you can clearly know the reason. lease ignore this movie even if you have nothing else to do. This movie is not even worth watching on small screen. It’s a total waste of your time and money.
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